Celler Masroig's scratch-off labels evoke the delight of unwrapping





I have fond memories of buying scratchies with my Grandad while growing up. It was always very satisfying to remove every last millimetre of the scratch-off ink. When I came across this project that utilises scratch-off ink I had the same OCD felling. ⁣

2019 was the 10th anniversary of the Celler Masroig ’s Vi Novell, so Atipus a Barcelona design studio developed a concept that would honour a decade of Vi Novell wine labels. ⁣
Vi Novell is traditionally bottled in November to coincide with an annual slaughtering of the pig celebration. It’s fresh, it’s fruity and it must be consumed in a short period due to it being bottled before the fermentation process is finished, meaning it doesn't mature in the bottle. It’s a wine not made for the cellar, it’s made for celebrations. ⁣

Atipus reprinted the previous decade of Vi Novell labels with a scratchable layer, which hid the original design. Consumers don’t know which label they've picked until it’s revealed, a concept that reflects the delight of unwrapping. As the consumer begins to scratch, the artwork evolves with every stroke, the customer can decide how much or little to remove, and no two reveals will ever be the same. The perfect marriage between human interaction and design. Speaking of marriage, a 10th wedding anniversary is celebrated through gifts of aluminium, a very fitting colour for the grey scratch-off ink. ⁣


So how's scratch-off printed? Firstly your artwork is printed, and then a varnish is applied to protect the message from any overzealous scratching. Finally scratch-off, an opaque rubberised ink coating, is applied. It's a very versatile product which also can be printed on top of. ⁣

What are some other possible uses of scratch-off… ⁣

If you have a mythical story with both good and evil, the good layer could be scratched away to reveal the evil, furthering the brand's story. ⁣
A blind taste test, on a mixed case of beer, the varieties could be covered with sratch-off and people are encouraged to do a blind taste test.
