Packaging design that’s connected to the land in more ways than one

Crushing Category Norms




There are two types of people in this world: chocolate chewers and those who have the patience to let chocolate melt in their mouths. Chocolate has over 600 flavour compounds. Letting it melt uncovers these hidden complexities, flavours and aromas. To give some context, red wine has just 200. ⁣

Land Chocolate was started by Phil Landers after discovering proper chocolate during a visit to a Guatemala cocoa field. He refined his craft at Mast Brothers and now, in an East London workshop, creates "bean-to-bar" chocolate. Land is built on the idea of connecting customers to the origin of the ingredients. These days that's almost a given and an expectation from consumers. This link starts with the name, a clever union between the maker Mr Landers and the land. Why are origin and land stories important to tell? Because ultimately taste and aroma are dictated by climatic and soil conditions. Cocoa from Indonesia, Guatemala, Venezuela will all create a different experience on your palate. ⁣


Studio Thomas are the designers behind Land. Not only is simplicity built into their ethos but it's also a fitting strategy for the craft chocolate category. Sometimes it feels like chocolate companies are racing for the title of brightest, loudest and busiest packaging, overflowing with embellishments. Simplicity, in this case, stands out on the shelf. "When everybody zigs, zag," says Marty Neumeier. Companies that zag and break away from category norms are often featured on this blog. ⁣

Other ways to differentiate in the craft chocolate category?⁣

How about creating a different size chocolate block. Craft chocolate is consistently presented in a rectangular shape, although I have seen a few squares and even fewer circles. In saying that, rectangles might be a nostalgic size, reminding customers of their childhood. Nonetheless an interesting thought.