Wake up and take notice of the Elenita packaging design





Good morning folks, rise and shine, there's not a cloud in the sky today and it's sweltering out there. Well not quite yet in London but the mercury is set to rise this week, with the BBC predicting temperatures will nudge 16 degrees. We say goodbye to winter and hello to sunshine and chilled beverages. ⁣

Elenita, designed by LA-based studio Nice People is made with mezcal (the smokey cousin of tequila) and fruit juice, and it's carbonated for a refreshing zing. It's all packed into a 355ml can so it's easily portable to the beach or out on the boat. We've seen a rise in the number of spritzers and canned cocktails hitting the market, one of my personal favourites for its surprising combination is a gin & kombucha cocktail from Victor Gin & Mamas Brew Shop. ⁣

Elenita's founders are from California and Mexico, two areas that are known for long sunny days. The key graphic on the packaging is this half-circle with prongs radiating out. It's an abstract representation of both the sun and the agave plant used to produce mezcal. Agave thrives in extremely sunny conditions, needing very little water to survive. Humans on the other hand hunt out refreshing beverages when the temperatures climb, hence why this can also incorporates a revitalising colour pallet and refreshing white background. ⁣

The sun has rejuvenating properties, it boosts levels of serotonin in the body which is known as the body's natural happy hormone. That's why we tend to feel happier and energised under the beaming sun. Brands use sunshine graphics because they resonate with people on a psychological level and brands want to leverage that positive association. ⁣


Another example of this... ⁣

⁣Sunriser, a CDB Cold Brew Coffee from Austin Texas has a beaming red dot surrounded by sparkling gold foil on their packaging. Land, the design agency responsible for this packaging, coined the phrase Calm Rise which speaks to the energy-giving caffeine in coffee and the mellow calming effect of CDB oil. Alertness of the mind and calmness of the body is a nice juxtaposition. This could also be reflective of the calm morning air and the strength of the light rays during sunrise.
