How house wine wine wine packaging design is levelling up

House Brands





Vinvinvin (Wine Wine Wine), a wine bar in Montreal is good good good. ⁣A name that is reflective of the three people involved in the wine process, the people who make it, the people who serve it and those who neck it (admire the complex flavours).⁣

Nother Studio designed the Vinvinvin identity. The logo is made with three V's, one for each Vin, and these create the face of a bon vivant character called Jean Jus. Her face suggests an ora of calmness. With her eyes shut, it's as if she’s savouring flavours but her smile is celebratory and oozing enjoyment. Catherine Potvin the illustrator has done a brilliant job to express so much emotion with just four lines. ⁣

Vinvinvin has three house wines, a red, white and rosé titled "Jus de lieux" which translates to "Juices of places". The labels speak to the joy and vibrancy of natural wine, colourful circles interacting with each other like energetic bubbles. The jovial illustrations paired with simplistic sans serif typography creates an approachable and playful vibe. The word approachable is not often associated with the wine industry but Vinvinvin has no time for the snobby or pretentious, just good people. ⁣

Recently I have seen a few examples of house wine and beer with brilliant packaging design, labels that talk about a brand's story or mission. Custom house beverages allow for exciting collaborations, and experimentation without restrictions or rules. ⁣


Other great examples of house beverages... ⁣

This is another story based around people and community. Masala Wala Cafe, a mother and daughter team bringing Pakistani cuisine to South East London teamed up with their local brewery, Brockley Brewery to create two house beers: a Masala larger and a PPA (Pakistani Pale Ale). ⁣

Pizza4ps in Vietnam asked Rice Creative to depict their story on a house red. They created three vignettes that depict the laughs and smiles associated with sharing food and drinks with family and friends.
