Eggcellent packaging design for the festive season

Merry Christmas




I'm experiencing my first winter Christmas this year. Instead of beaches, BBQs, and jandals, it's been winter markets, ice skating and eggnog. I used this as the inspiration to find an eggcellent piece packaging design to write about. (Sorry I had to). The Eggnog Project by Madeleine Eiche and photographed by Justin Gollmer is a collection of Eggnog cartons from across America and Canada. It explores "The peculiarities of the packaging range from festive to banal, minimal to ornate, and many seem to be printed with complete disregard for colour alignment." ⁣

Dairy Glen from Lucerne Foods in Pleasanton, California was my favourite from the collection, because as you can tell I'm a sucker for minimalism. A light creamy brown base colour covers the carton, a nod to the finished colour of eggnog, and referencing everybody's favourite ingredient: brandy or rum. The words Diary Glen curve on the side of the pack like a glen, valley or rolling pasture where dairy cows spend their time grazing. One can only assume the deep green speaks to the pasture where the chickens roam free. The typography is set in a bold weight, talking to the thickness and richness. Let's be honest, a diet of Eggnog is not part of a get-fit-quick scheme. One glass of eggnog can have half the recommended daily intake of saturated fats. Not only is the typography minimal, so is the content on the carton. Competitors claim a range of benefits and descriptors. Grade A, ultra-pasteurised, alcoholic, creamy rich, premium, all-natural and old fashioned, to name a few.⁣

Even in the most unlikely of industries, packaging design gems can be found. A simple piece of packaging that communicates a lot, from the richness of the eggnog to notions of vast glens, happy cows and free-range chickens. ⁣

Maybe traditional Eggnog is not for you, don't worry I have found some other nog related products to enjoy this Christmas Season. ⁣

Ocelot Chocolate makes an Eggnog Chocolate⁣

TeaRevv makes an Eggnog Tea⁣

Merry Christmas and please remember don't hog the eggnog.