Yema shows that a diverse product range needs a flexible solution

Modular Design System




There are two types of designers in this world, tidy organisers or wild free creatives. I fall into the organisers camp, so a brand like Yema appeals to me. Everything has its place, in perfectly organised boxes. ⁣

Anagrama Studio designed the packaging for Yema. It's a food, baby, hygiene and homewares company from Mexico. They make everything from shampoo to spaghetti. With such a diverse range of products, materials, sizes and containers this project would have been a gigantic undertaking. The Yema logo is modular, each letter is housed in a shape that can be arranged either in one long line or stacked two by two for skinnier labels. The rest of the system mirrors the flexibility of the logo. A collection of informative bubbles that highlight the key brand messages and ingredients. Word length can be difficult to deal with but this system allows the bubbles to change to the length of the word and stack in a configuration that fits. ⁣


When approaching a project like this it's important to determine the hierarchy of information, what needs to go on the pack and then how this will change between each SKU or category. Anagrama has distilled this down into an extremely simple system, described by them as "a universal language embodied in a scalable system".⁣

What other products could utilise a scaleable label system?⁣

Health Supplements — They come in several formats and ingredients with different benefits for different ages. All of this information needs to be clearly outlined to the consumer. ⁣

Natural Cosmetics — Highlighting that all of the ingredients mixed into this product are natural and safe.⁣

Scroggin Mix — Highlighting all of the different nuts, choc and fruit bits, plus the benefits for a hiker on a long journey. For example, cranberries for their health-promoting antioxidants.